
Public consultation on the original draft SEQ Code was undertaken in mid-2012. The SEQ water providers revised the SEQ Code after considering the 24 submissions received.  The Consultation Report provides a summary of the consultation process and the common themes from the submissions.

The first SEQ Code was adopted by the SEQ water service providers in early 2013 and gazetted by the Minister on 1 July 2013.

A second round of public consultation was undertaken in March 2019 in conjunction with the substantive change made to the Sewerage Code element, which brought the SEQ edition into line with the latest WSAA edition. Whilst this consultation was focused on the Sewerage Code element, feedback was welcomed on all elements of the SEQ Code. Consultation Report 2019 provides an overview of the process and submissions received. 

The SEQ Code will continue to be reviewed regularly to ensure that best appropriate practice is adopted.

Genuine innovative ideas and methods that enhance functionality and reduce lifecycle costs will be encouraged and considered and adopted through an appropriate screening process.

Section 99BF of the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 allows for amendments to be made to the SEQ Code.  Amendments to correct a minor error; that are not a change of substance; or are of a stated type can be made by the SEQ water service providers.  More substantial changes will need to be readvertised for public comment as per the requirements of the Restructuring Act.

The Accepted Infrastructure Products and Materials (IPAM) Lists will change regularly as product suppliers approach service providers to have their products accepted.  It is impractical to advertise each change via newspapers.  Changes to the Accepted IPAM Lists are considered a “stated” type as per the Restructuring Act.

Likewise, the ADAC drafting standards change on a regular basis.  It is impractical to advertise each change via newspapers.  Changes to the Asset Information Specification are considered a “stated” type as per the Restructuring Act.



All changes to the SEQ Code will be detailed in the ‘Latest News’ section on the Homepage.  Every person or organisation who has registered an interest in the SEQ Code and provided an e-mail address will also be advised of changes via e-mail.

The five SEQ water service providers will ensure that the SEQ Code is efficient and practical.  Your help is appreciated.  Forward your suggestions and comments for future revisions of the SEQ Code via the Document Improvement Request Form found on the Contact Us page.